Instant Anatomy Apps

Anatomy Lectures - the heart
Instant Anatomy
This app contains the followinglectures:Heart and PericardiumLarynx and LaryngopharynxPosterior ForearmAnkle Joint and Foot MovementsBursae and the Popliteal FossaPrinciples of Movements at Joints in the Upper LimbKnee and Unhappy Triad Syndromefrom www.instantanatomy.netThe lectures will play and the relevant diagrams will appear intime with the audio.You can zoom in on the images with the pinch gesture as the audioplays.This series of lectures is aimed at anyone who is studying humananatomy. They are ideal for medical or nursing students, biologicalstudies students and physiotherapists or doctors looking to refreshtheir knowledge.Check out our other applications including lectures on the limbs,embryology and flash cards.The material is presented by Robert Whitaker who has spent hisclinical career as a paediatric urological surgeon. Since retiringfrom surgery he teaches clinically applied topographical anatomy tofirst-year medical students at Cambridge University, in the UK. Healso teaches clinically applied anatomy to surgical, radiologicaland other speciality trainees and is currently an examiner for theMRCS at the English and Edinburgh Colleges of Surgeons.
Embryology Lectures
Instant Anatomy
Embryology in a nutshell - Instant AnatomyThe lectures are presented through a series of 127 diagrams withaccompanying audio.The diagrams can all be zoomed in and viewed in either landscape orportrait.The lectures are aimed at anyone who is studying human anatomy.They are ideal for medical or nursing students, biological studiesstudents and physiotherapists or doctors looking to refresh theirknowledge.The material is presented by Dr Robert Whitaker who spent hisclinical career as a paediatric urological surgeon. Since retiringin the 1990s he now teaches clinically applied topographicalanatomy to first-year medical students at Cambridge University, inthe UK. He also teaches clinically applied anatomy to surgical,radiological and other speciality trainees and is a former examinerfor the MRCS at the English and Edinburgh Colleges ofSurgeons.
Easy Ways Head, Neck and Limbs
Instant Anatomy
This app contains the Easy Ways series on theHead and Neck and LimbsHN14 - Rules and Exceptions in the Head and Neck. Part 1HN15 - Rules and Exceptions in the Head and Neck. Part 2HN16 - Parasympathetic Connections in the HeadHN17 - Role of the Cranial Nerves in Autonomic Distribution in theheadHN18 - Types of GangliaHN19 - Parasympathetic Pathways for Nose, Palate, Sinuses andLacrimal Gland. The Pterygopalatine FossaHN20 - Autonomic Nerve Supply to the Eye and Principles of PupilControl. Light and Near ReflexesHN21 - Eye MovementsHN22 - Visual PathwaysHN23 - The Upper Eye Lid, Levator Palpebrae Superioris and Horner'sSyndromeHN24 - Cranial Nerve Brain Stem Nuclei and Exit Sites fromBrainHN25 - Cranial Nerves from Brain to ForaminaHN26 - Skull Base ForaminaHN27 - The Facial Nerve within the Middle earHN28 - Cortical Control of Cranial Nerves with Details of FacialNerve to FaceHN29 - The Jugular Foramen & Details of the Vagus NerveHN30 - The Infratemporal FossaUL10 - Palpable Structures and Vulnerable Nerves in the UpperLimbUL11 - Arteries, Veins & Lymphatics in the Upper Limb - AnOverviewUL12 - Myotomes and Dermatomes in the Upper LimbUL13 - Principles of Movements at Joints in the Upper LimbUL14 - Movements at Sternoclavicular Joint and Abduction of theShoulderUL15 - Axilla and its Three SpacesUL16 - Brachial Plexus and its Topographical FeaturesUL17 - Events Occurring at Mid-HumerusUL18 - Cubital Fossa and Interosseous MembraneUL19 - Arteries and Nerves in the Elbow RegionUL20 - Forearm - Analysis of Flexion and ExtensionUL21 - Snuff Box and Ventral WristUL22 - Flexor and Extensor RetinaculaLL6 - Overview of Arteries and Lymphatics in Lower LimbLL7 - Veins & Pulses in the Lower LimbLL8 - Dermatomes, Myotomes & Reflexes in the Lower LimbLL9 - Principles of Movement at Joints in the Lower LimbLL10 - Developmental Internal Rotation - Femoral and ObturatorNervesLL11 - Thigh Muscles and Adductor CanalLL12 - Femoral Triangle and Femoral CanalLL13 - Gluteal RegionLL14 - Sciatic Foramina & the 6PsLL15 - Arterial Supply of HipLL16 - Knee and Unhappy Triad SyndromeLL17 - Q Angle and Locking of the KneeLL18 - Bursae and the popliteal fossaLL19 - Nerve Lesions in the Lower LimbLL20 - Prolapsed Discs Affecting the Lower LimbLL21 - Compartment syndromeLL22 - Tibia, fibula & interosseous membraneLL23 - Ligaments & tendons at ankleLL24 - Foot arches & talocalcaneonavicular jointLL25 - Comparison of hand & footTHE AUTHOR: Robert Whitaker has spent his clinical career as apaediatric urological surgeon. Since retiring 20 years ago he nowteaches clinically applied topographical anatomy to first-yearmedical students at Cambridge University, in the UK. He alsoteaches clinically applied anatomy to surgical, radiological andother speciality trainees and is a former examiner for the MRCS atthe English and Edinburgh Colleges of Surgeons.
Anatomy Lectures
Instant Anatomy
Learn anatomy on the go with this series of lectures
Limb Lectures in Anatomy
Instant Anatomy
Learn anatomy on the go with this series of lectures on the arm andleg
Easy Ways Abdomen and Thorax
Instant Anatomy
Learn anatomy on the go with this series of lectures on the abdomenand thorax
Abdomen and Thorax Lectures
Instant Anatomy
Learn anatomy on the go with this series of lectures on the thoraxand abdomen
Topics in Focus
Instant Anatomy
Learn anatomy on the go with this series of lectures
Anatomy Flash Cards 3.4
Instant Anatomy
Learn anatomy on the go with this series of flash cards coveringthe whole body
Anatomy MCQs 1.6
Instant Anatomy
This app contains over 1800 Anatomy Multiple True False Questions(MTF) MCQs.
Anatomy MCQs Free 1.6
Instant Anatomy
This app contains a sample (80) of our over 1800 AnatomyMultipleTrue False Questions (MTF) MCQs split into 8 categories. Aquestionhas 5 answers each of which can be true or false, one ormoreanswers will be true. Select a category from the Index tab andyouwill be given 10 questions to answer, once you give an answertoeach of the 5 options you will be shown which you got correct.Acorrect answer will be green and an incorrect answer will bered.You will score 1 point for each correct answer giving you atotalpossible score of 5 per question. You can navigate to thenextquestion with the next button. The results tab will displayyourcurrent score for each category and your overall score for allthequestions. You can reset your usage from the menu. THEAUTHOR:Robert Whitaker has spent his clinical career as apaediatricurological surgeon. Since retiring 20 years ago he nowteachesclinically applied topographical anatomy to first-yearmedicalstudents at Cambridge University, in the UK. He alsoteachesclinically applied anatomy to surgical, radiological andotherspeciality trainees and is a former examiner for the MRCS attheEnglish and Edinburgh Colleges of Surgeons.